One important way of helping our campaign for Labour Party Open Selection is to put a supporting motion to your CLP or branch. Here is a model motion that you can adapt for the purpose
CLP Model Motion
This branch/CLP believes:
that being a Labour MP should not be a job for life;
that candidates should be selected openly without restrictions before each general election;
that all individual and affiliate members should be able to participate in the selection of candidates;
that the existing system of trigger ballots prevents this from happening and creates unnecessary antagonisms, turning what should be a normal open process into an implied vote of no confidence in a sitting Labour MP;
that a fully democratised Labour Party based on the principle of One Member One Vote is the best way to ensure the election of a Labour government with the strength and resolve to create a fair and just society for the many, not the few.
Therefore it:
- resolves to support the Labour International CLP rule change motion to party conference 2018, calling for Open Selection of all parliamentary candidates;
- agrees to make a donation of xxx to Labour International CLP’s campaign fund;
- calls upon the NEC to endorse and support the LI Rule Change motion;
Putting a motion to your CLP or branch
Depending on how the Constituency Labour Party (CLP) is organised, there are two different ways of getting it to support our motion.
- If the main decision-making body of the CLP is an All Members Meeting, send your motion in good time to the secretary of the CLP.
- If the main decision-making body is a General Committee, you must first put your motion to your branch or to one of the socialist societies (BAME, Irish, and so on) or a union affiliated to the CLP.
The formal support of the CLP for a motion will be a strong guideline for the CLP’s delegates to vote in favour of our motion at the Labour Party Conference in September.
I sincerely think this is a great idea as it opens opportunity for other potential parliamentary candidates to try for a seat…local councillors go through the same process…but we must be honest as some members are using this process to deselect some MP folks who they may disagree with in terms of politics…Realistically with any employment role you must be accountable and scrutinised for whatever reasons you’ve been employed to do and if you are not doing a grand job you must be held to account regardless …some MPs just tick boxes and don’t support their CLP constituents so if this process of trigger ballot is a fair process…no MP should be scared of deselections re-sitting MPs must work hard for folks to have a vote of confidence.Period!! #JC4PM