Who said this?
“The selections for Labour candidates needs (sic) to be more democratic and we should end NEC impositions of candidates. Local Party members should select their candidates for every election.”
Yes, you remember. This was Keir Starmer on Twitter on 4th February 2020, when he was campaigning for the leadership of the Labour Party.
Since winning the leadership, however, Starmer has made sure that the Labour Party hierarchy can “interfere” at will in candidate selection processes, by blocking left candidates (e.g. Didn’t this happen with Emma Dent Coad, Westminster, 2023?) and parachuting in their own favoured candidates (e.g. Didn’t this happen with Simon Lightwood, Wakefield 2022?) into (very short) long lists and (even shorter) short lists.
Local CLPs have lost almost all influence since Starmer took over, and who can doubt that there is further misery to come? Here at OpenSelection.org we are in it for the long haul. Watch this space!
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